Friday, November 7, 2008

Puppies and Children

This will be a quick one...but this was so surreal that I have to write it down before my memory wonders if this really happened.

Today, I took my car in for its first wash since the boys were born. While waiting an hour and a half for the detail they promised would take an hour, I had opportunity to interact with many of the local community.

The kindest of all was the elderly man with braces on both legs, walking with a cane who insisted on getting up and walking over to open the door for me at Starbucks (in and out of the store).

The strangest occurred shortly before my car was finished. We were back at the car wash waiting area, and I was giving both the boys bottles while they relaxed in the stroller. Another woman came out to wait for her car (Aside - it is 95 degrees out and she was wearing a sweatshirt, shorts and Uggs...and complaining about how hot she was). She saw us and engaged in the standard conversation I get almost daily:

She "wow, you really have your hands full"

me "Well, there are moments, but i wouldn't trade it for anything"
etc etc...until she hit me with the statement that will forever make me laugh on those days when my boys are really acting up. I must say first of all, that she said this with complete sincerity. No sarcasm whatsoever (and for those who know me, you are aware that I have a very refined sarcasm detector).

she "yeah, i know exactly what it's like to have twins. i just got two puppies."

Me "uhhhhh"!!!!!!

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