Saturday, November 1, 2008

Is that Hand-made?

I have a very close friend who has a huge fear of becoming a parent - will she be capable of making the halloween costumes and the costumes for the school play? I, of course, understand that there are many types of parental fears and I certainly think it's fair to include this as one of them. However, I pose the following question - how much of a costume really needs to be hand-made to be considered "hand-made"?

I personally think there is a rather wide continuum. For instance - another friend has a very talented mother. Each year Granny sews an entire princess costume for her young granddaughter. I have no doubt that these are the most exquisite costumes you've ever seen on a 3 year old. And what a labor of love....possibly ending up completely covered in melted chocolate. So if my fearful friend were to buy (gasp!) a spiderman costume from the store and pair of red boots to send her hypothetical little one off as an adorable Spiderwoman, would this "count" or would she be shunned by all of the hard-sewing suburban housewives?

My little princes attended their Halloween debut this year dressed as M&Ms (William's "M" was upside down). I was frequently asked whether I made their costumes and I proudly shared that I did. And I truly believe I did - I downloaded a very tiny m&m graphic, enlarged it and smoothed out the pixels to create a template which I cut out and traced onto some white felt. once the felt was cut out, I sewed each M (or in William's case, "W") onto a green sleeveless onesie (shh...I bought that at a store). They wore the onesies over brown one-piece sweatsuits (again, purchased) which they wore for warmth - very important in San Diego...

Now I will probably win no awards as a seamstress, but one day I hope that my boys will be at least a little proud that their mom "made" their first Halloween costumes. And to my friend worrying about making her own costumes, I just say that I hope she one day has the opportunity to determine her own continuum.

1 comment:

Anniessa said...

OMG! She can find all things handmade at ... There is NO rule that says you have to say handmade "by whom"!