Saturday, August 22, 2009

my life as a Facebook status

I'm spending the evening home alone with the kids, so I've had some time for some interesting reflection. The most strange, or perhaps disturbing, realization is that I find myself thinking in Facebook status updates. Something (ordinary or unusual) happens to me and I start composing my memory as if I am writing my status. Complete with the "Tina Campbell is..." beginning. Perhaps this is how ordinary people are able to "Tweet" all day long. So here was my day:

7:30am - Tina Campbell is so happy that the boys were quiet til 7:30am since she had a kinda late (but fun) night out w/ the girls last night.

8:30am - Tina Campbell wonders how she is going to teach the boys that it's not ok to move the kitchen chairs all around.

9:00am - Tina Campbell is looking forward to talking to the 100 new Junior League provisionals very soon.

9:30am - Tina Campbell is frustrated that there's never open parking around the Junior League headquarters, and can't believe she left the bag full of parking meter quarters on the kitchen counter. ugh.

1:00pm - Tina Campbell has decided that although the splash park is fun, it is WAY too hot (90deg) to go all the way over to the park, so will do poop patrol and let the boys play in their little pool.

3:15pm - Tina Campbell wonders why the lady in the minivan waiting for her parking spot is throwing dirty looks her way as she walks the shopping cart back up to the front of the store. There are tons of close parking spots. Find a different one.

5:15pm - Tina Campbell is so proud of the boys at dinner tonight. William made some good progress holding a fork and Michael ate hamburger, pears, strawberries and cheese without getting any stains on his clothes!

6:30pm - Tina Campbell's poor little william must be getting more molars. cried so hard that he needed 15 minutes of mommy-snuggling to calm down before bed. good thing my arms are long enough that michael could get sympathy snuggling at the same time.

8:30pm - Tina Campbell thinks it's kinda weird that she has begun to think in the format of Facebook status updates. And at the same time is irritated with her husband for letting his phone break while he is on his fantasy football draft weekend away.

9:00pm - Tina Campbell has just realized that in 10 hours, the whole thing will begin again. So instead of writing about all the mundane things that happened, she is going to bed so she can dream about a day where the boys play nicely together without moving the furniture, the poop patrol is done by someone else and the dishes are washed by the elves. She is also hoping that whatever tooth prompted the meltdown has cut through by morning.

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