Thursday, March 5, 2009

some random things at 11 months

There are times when I wish we were on one of those TV reality shows like Jon and Kate + Eight - not for the intrusiveness of having our lives (and my messy house) paraded around America. least then I'd be able to chronicle all the fantastic things that happen around here. Well, while I'm waiting for us to be discovered, here are a few random ramblings of little snippets of our life:

Monday morning, William was still sleeping (for about 60 more seconds), so Michael on the changing table, had my undivided attention. He greeted me with a huge smile and a high-pitched "mama!" I was thrilled to think that he finally has put name to face, so I responded "Did you just say 'mama'?!" with a big smile in encouragement. He winked (I swear it) and said "Dadadada".

As I've frequently written or commented, William seems to be my more independent child, the explorer. To this point, the only time he's welcomed a snuggle has been following a stumble (or back when I had him swaddled so tightly he couldn't escape). This past week, I do believe he has developed a little bit of jealousy when he sees Michael tuck in for his daily snuggle with mom. A few times now, during our afternoon playtime, he has crawled over to me, climbed up on my lap and just put his arms around my neck. Before you start thinking he's grown 'soft', rest assured - these new snuggles only last long enough for him to pull my hair, or knock me in the eye with whatever block, ring or ball is firmly gripped in his hand.

The circus just isn't the same as I remember. Although to be honest, what I more remember about the circus has to do with the structure of the Brown County Arena hosting the circus. Today, a small group from the circus did a free demonstration at the Boys & Girls club down the street. It was free, and we were facing a 3 hour awake stretch before bedtime, so I was anxious for an outing. however, it was lame. Well maybe not to the 8 kids that got to hold the 200lb albino monster snake, but... I must remember this when the boys are older and want to go to the full-blown, overpriced circus. We will go to the zoo instead.

And finally, a glimpse at my children for once not behaving perfectly. This morning, we were on an extended outting following physical therapy. We stopped at a bookstore to hopefully browse the childrens book section to find gifts for upcoming births and birthdays. Upon arrival in the kids section, both of the boys instantly launched into the loudest melt-down I've experienced in public. Michael was able to calm himself once he relocated his thumb. William was working so hard to get out of his infant seat, that I finally unhooked him and slung him onto my hip. that worked for a little while until he started feeling a bit warm...and I realized he had peed all down the side of my shirt (well, leaked). The thing that was not awesome is that I hadn't found the gifts yet, and I really needed them today. So we hustled into the bathroom, did a quick change (emerging pantless - William, not me) and I quickly found what I needed. I will give HUGE thanks to Jeff (or maybe John?) the store employee who noticed me struggling to the front of the store with the huge stroller and the pile of books - with the boys' fussy state, there was no way I was piling the books into their seats with them. He carried the books up to the front and then entertained the boys with silly faces and sounds until I was done checking out.

good people still do exist - I just hope they get to keep their jobs...I need them out there to carry the books, open the doors, smile when I can't get a smile out of the boys, etc....

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