Monday, August 4, 2008

4 months old today!

first publshed 8/4/08

Well, who can believe that 4 months have gone by since William and Michael joined our world! They are growing so quickly...I have to sit down daily just to appreciate all their little baby-isms.

Last week, Michael started experimenting with a new lip-smacking, sucking activity. Larry thinks it is just like sucking on a bottle. I prefer to think he's practicing blowing me kisses. Just yesterday, he found his voice. And this truly happened: I was playing with him and said "are you the cutest baby on the planet?" and he replied (loudly) "ah haaaa." Larry was in the other room and thought I had answered my own question. but for the rest of the day, Michael entertained us with laughing, and different voice patterns. This is really cute, but he's starting to try to "talk" instead of nap, which William doesn't love.

Speaking of William, he's still a bit quieter, but loves to smile and giggle now and then. His favorite new skill is holding on anything - his snuggly blanket, his shirt, carseat buckles, my hair... He's always got something in his hands, unless of course, he has his hands stuffed into his mouth, another favorite activity. During his nap this noon, he was smacking away so loudly on his thumb that I thought he'd wake Michael (who had finally given up his conversation with himself).

They're also both enjoying "sitting up". they particularly like sitting on our laps, sometimes facing out, sometimes facing us. They also have been entertained sitting together on the recliner - when they do that, they are always holding hands - cute!

We go to the doctor this week for the 4 month checkup...we're hoping that we'll get to add some solid foods to the menu. It may get messy, but should make for some good stories! High chairs are set up and ready to go :)

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