Saturday, July 19, 2008

Fly me to the moon (7/19/08)

first published 7/19/08

It's every business traveler's nightmare: You board the plane early, anxious to get settled into your first class seat and enjoy a quiet cup of coffee and the Wall Street Journal while the rest of the masses are boarding. You approach your seat in the final row of first class, casting a condescending glance into the coach cabin. And thus begins the nightmare, for there in the first row of coach is the mom traveling alone with her baby. But worse - this time there are TWO babies.

Well, that is how I was greeted this morning by a "gentleman" flying in the first class cabin of my flight from Minneapolis to San Diego. He got onto the plane, looked back and saw me with William AND Michael, and said "Oh this is just great". Now, I'm sure he thought he was saying it way under his breath, but hey, I'm a new mom - I hear everything!

I sure showed him - my boys were perfect. And that is not just a bragging mom talking. They slept most of the time (Michael got the carseat this time and William was in my arms). When they were awake, they smiled, giggled and gurgled at all the appropriate moments. They flirted with the flight attendants and they smiled nicely when the man next to us helped get bottles from the diaper bag.

And although exhausted from waking up at 4:15am, I arrived in San Diego feeling if not refreshed, then at least relaxed. This was definitely thanks to all the kind people who offered assistance along the way. The TSA staff in Green Bay was so patient and helpful, helping with our huge stroller, and organizing all the mountains of baby gear that has to be checked through the x-ray. The gate agent in Green Bay walked me all the way onto the plane, carrying the carseat (with William at this point) and hooking it into the plane. And in Minneapolis, an off-duty flight attendant (and grandma) helped feed Michael in the airport and then helped me board and get settled in (and all this incidentally before she settled into her first class seat...). Of course, there was also our new friend John, traveling to San Diego with his wife for a weekend vacation. He talked to the boys, kept an eye on Michael when William & I went off for a diaper change, and even fed William when both he and Michael needed a bottle "right at this very minute and Mom, if you wait just a split-second, we will both be screaming at the top of our somewhat small lungs".
So to all you travelers out there, business or otherwise - next time you see a mom (or a dad) struggling to keep her kids calm and entertained on a flight, rather than "ugh" at her, offer a hand, or at least a sympathetic smile. The more help and understanding she gets from fellow-passengers, the more likely she will be to stay calm and keep her kids happy. Now, I of course don't expect her kids to be as perfect as mine, but you will certainly help her dream that perfection is a possibility :)

Here's crossing my fingers that our Christmas flights will be as smooth...

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